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商品名稱: HDL Works HDL Companion v2.5 R2 for Linux

商品分類: Linux系統專用軟體

商品類型: 獲取硬體描述語言軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: LINUX (以官方網站為準)

更新日期: 2012-01-17



HDL Companion是一款協助你對HDL(Hardware description language-硬體描述語言)獲取
與總攬的工具。所有的設計文件都能直接拖拽到HDL Companion中,然後用戶很快就能得到
HDL Companion由3個主要的窗口(window)及一個控制窗口組成。這幾個窗口都能提供客戶
另外,HDL Companion還包括了一個文本編輯器(該文本編輯器對關鍵詞敏感)以及一個連接

HDL Companion is the HDL designer's Swiss army knife. It will help you
to get and keep a good overview of any HDL design, including third party
IP, legacy code and other HDL sources. Complete design directories and
design files are dragged into HDL Companion and a complete design
overview is created in seconds, uncovering information regarding numerous
aspects of the design. The GUI offers many ways to navigate through the
design and explore the details you're looking for. The embedded fuzzy
parsers accept any Verilog, VHDL or mixed HDL design code; even if the
code is incomplete or contains errors. Syntactically correct HDL can also
be linted to find problems not reported by the compilers.

HDL Companion has a unique setup of three main windows and a console
window, which together offer a complete overview of your design, from
high level structure to the details in the source code. The excellent
navigation capabilities, including signal tracing, offer you an easy
way to find an object and show its details. The Console Window shows
all syntax errors and warnings, which can easily be located in the HDL
source using hot links from the Console Window to the Scriptum Window.
The Console Window also functions as a Tcl interpreter, where any Tcl
script or shell command can be executed.

Other features include a language sensitive text editor, revision
control and interfaces to all major simulation and synthesis tools.


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